
HJN Training is an organization dedicated to the training of private and public companies in their fight against crime and corruption. Our programs are uniquely formed and based on an accumulated 55 years of hands-on investigative experience in the criminal investigation and training environments. We believe that training is more than the transfer of knowledge and improving skills. It should be a life-changing experience.

Download the Short Programs Guide

Unit Standard Aligned Skill Programs

Unit standardsNQF levelCredits
Investigate Corruption386073610
Forensic Investigation12048356
Write Security Reports & Take Statements11508410
Manage crime intelligence practices25398555
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Anti-Corruption24326345
Investigative Interview25398254
Handle Suspects in the Investigation of an alleged crime25399058
Crime Scene Management12048356
Attend and Give Evidence in Court1149636
Investigate Crime or Incident25398058
Compile and Administer a Case Docket1198356
Occupational Health & Safety in Workplace24428858
Vehicle Identification25398454
Impoundment of Vehicles25398954
Vehicle Circulation system in relation to vehicle crime Investigation25397757
Manage work time effectively953033
Fire Fighting1248424
First Aid785444

Approved Skills Programs

Unit standardsNQF levelCredits
Statement Analysis
Advanced Statement Analysis
Investigative Body Language
Detecting Forged Documents
Telephonic Interviewing Skills
Intelligence Profiling
Document Handwriting Examination
Basic Computer Crime Investigation (Computer Forensics)
Advanced Computer Crime Investigation (Computer Forensics)
Financial Investigation
Labour Relations
First Officer on Scene
Conduct Successful Meeting
Observation and Inquisitive Mind
Human Rights
Crises Negotiation
CCTV Operators

Accredited and Approved Soft Skills Programs

Unit standardsNQF levelCredits
Accurate information about HIV/AIDS and coping skills in everyday life11699912
Knowledge of issues relating to HIV/AIDS1220312
Understanding stress in order to apply strategies to achieve optimum stress levels1509655
Manage workplace relations788355
Application of principles of ethics to a business environment230078610
Communicate at an advanced level and maintaining interpersonal relations8046620
Describe how to manage reactions arising from a traumatic event24457832
Manage Anxiety and Depression in Workplace24457832
Gather and Manage Information for decision making11582355
Monitor, reflect and improve on own performance1199453
Conduct basic lay counselling in a structured environment114478415
Customer Service786556
Communication within business environment1062258
Function in a teamt11659444
Lead and Manage Teams of people785966
Balance work and home
Leading Successful Teams
Motivation and Goal Setting
Motivation of employees
Stress Management1509655
Conflict Management953333
Poor work Performance926354
The enquiring Mind

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