Please complete the following form to enrol for accredited programs and skills programs presented by HJN Training.
Personal information
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ID Number:
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Cell phone:
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E-Mail address:
Invalid Input
Postal address:
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Town / City:
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Postal code:
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Program information
Select programs:
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Approved Skills Programs:
Select programs:
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Accredited & Approved Soft Skills Programs:
Select programs:
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Payment information
Company name:
Invalid Input
VAT number:
Invalid Input
Company postal address:
Invalid Input
Invoice contact person:
Invalid Input
Invalid Input
Invalid Input
Additional information
Do we have to make provision for any special needs, medical or any other conditions?
Invalid Input
Do you have dietary requirements we should be aware of?
Invalid Input
- Please note: Dress is casual. The cost for training excludes accommodation.
- Invoices for payment will be sent to prospective candidates and full payment must be made before the start of the training program.
- When attending a course please bring along a certified ID document.
- Candidates who have enrolled and not cancelled their enrolment in writing, and who do not attend, will be liable for the full amount of the invoice.
- Please use the invoice number as reference when making deposits
- Learning programmes are subject to the number of bookings that we receive. Final program dates to be confirmed.